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To call near for help, to console, exhort, comfort, encourage, instruct, or supplicate.

Home: Welcome
Home: About

Welcome friend!
I'm Bailee, in 2018 God gave me a vision for a ministry called Paraklesis. It’s mission is to use creativity to help people heal and grow as they connect to the Creator. ​
I looked at myself and asked God if he was sure. Turns out, he was. You’ll find my heart here and I'm so glad you're here too! Grab some hot tea, look around, and stay a while. I would love to help you get to know God better. He’s better than our wildest dreams.
You'll find a mix of things here: like branches on a tree. But the roots all go to the same place, Jesus Christ.
Through Christian counseling, workout and worship classes, creativity tutorials, Bibilical teaching, blogging, and gardening, Paraklesis will step into the mission God laid the foundation for, way before any of us were here.
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