I am the vine, you are the branches. Remain in me and you will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing. John 15:5
The center of everything Paraklesis is to engage people in their journey towards healing and growth with Jesus as the core. In Him and through Him, everything was made. When are we more like Jesus than when we are creating for his good pleasure?
If you want to engage in in-person classes, or need additional support through counseling, look below and send me an email.
Check back as opportunities may change from time to time!

Walk and Talk/Nature Counseling
Walk and Talk/Nature therapy uses creation and animals to help reduce the "in office" stress that may come with traditional counseling. Through this method, clients engage in counseling in an outdoor environment, as they reconnect to themselves and to God for healing.
Session pricing: $125
Biblical Teaching and Speaking
Bailee is a teacher at heart and especially loves mentoring and ministering to women, teenagers, and young adults as they grow in their relationship with God. If you would like Bailee to join you for a speaking engagement, click the contact button.
Look below for Bailee's most recent guest podcast appearances!
Ethos Church Podcast
With other church family members, I discuss "Fasting and..."
We begin with eating disorders as I share a perspective on how to walk gracefully in the tension of communal fasting while dealing with body image issues or disordered eating patterns.
Creative Impact Podcast
As a guest on the Creative Impact Podcast I had so much fun talking with Rachel. This podcast has been an encouragement to me over the past year and it was such a gift to share my heart for the arts and the way God has worked and orchastrated my life for His glory.
Hope for Anxiety and OCD Podcast
I talk with Carrie about Equine Assisted therapy and how God's design for horses makes them a great hands on experience for counseling and healing.